Saturday, March 22, 2014

Some news...

One of J's surgeons just called me.  On a saturday.  As soon as he said his name, my internal anxiety meter hit eleventy billion jigawatts.  He's a super nice guy, but he scared the hell out of me!  I was waiting to hear "you're no longer a viable candidate because of your screwed up veins", but heard instead, "I'm so sorry to call you on a Saturday,  how are you this morning?".  He apologized profusely for the shenanigans that ensued in February, and asked if I was still interested in donating.  I shocked the pajama pants off him when I said yes.  He actually said, "I'm genuinely surprised, given the events surrounding the postponement of the original surgery.  You are a wonderful person for still wanting to do this."  *TEAR* 
Anywho... so we discussed my funky veins again, and what we needed to do.  He want me to go for one last test, to get a clearer picture of the veins coming out of and surrounding both of my kidneys.  The CT Angiogram focuses on, you guessed it, arteries.  By the time the contrast hits the veins, it's fairly diluted so the veins don't show up very clearly.  The MRV (magnetic resonance venography) focuses on the veins.  It is, as described, just like an MRI.  If you've never had one, just imagine sitting inside a drum set, like actually inside the drums, for an hour and a half or so.  Throw in the occasional machine gun fire and there you have it.  Strangely, the noise doesn't bother me, nor do I get that all-too-common claustrophobia.  I have been known to fall asleep during MRI's.  What can I say; I'm strange.  Anyway, hopefully we can get this done sometime this week, and get on with this transplant.  May 2nd is our new planned date; it would be really nice if we could get this done, on schedule,  with as little b.s. as possible. 

Till next time!  :-)

Monday, March 10, 2014

No news...

I'm really only updating because tens of people have asked if there is any news; i assure you that after I alert the media, call my family and closest friends, update my Facebook status, post a Tweet, and post a picture on Instagram, you all are the first people to know!  Promise!!!  I'm still in a holding pattern; J had labs drawn in preparation for the first of his bi-weekly visits to the surgeon.  In the interim, we have made a plan to go to the gym at least twice a week, I have gotten him plugged into My Fitness Pal and wearing a FitBit to help him get on a path to better health before the surgery.  If I'm to be blatantly honest, I am using the gym as a tool for distraction as much as for weight loss and fitness.  I can go into the gym, pop in my earbuds, blast what ever music I'm in the mood for (usually something loud and fast), and run my ass off on the treadmill or elliptical.  I can escape for an hour and think of nothing but hitting that next mile on the display.  It has also provided a great outlet for the anger and frustration I have felt for the last two weeks about the postponement of the surgery.  If nothing else, I'll go back to the OR with a sweet 6-pack.  See, there are positives to every situation.

Okay ladies and gents, off to bed for the night.