Sunday, November 2, 2014

Hello, adoring fans!

Just thought I'd write a super quick update since I'm staring at the computer while my Garmin updates anyway.  We made the two month mark today!  Two months post-donation/transplant!  Wow!!!  It seems like such a long time ago, but at the same time, almost like it was yesterday.  We're both still making progress in our respective recoveries; he is back to work, on his full time schedule, and I have been for about a month.  He has made some kick-ass progress with his kidney function (YAY LEFTY!!!), and has even been able to have some of his anti-rejection meds decreased.  Lefty is making himself right at home in his new abdomen.  I still get tired from in the afternoons, some days are worse than others (read: crippling fatigue that makes me want to cry).  I find that it usually happens on Mondays after working a full weekend.  I power through, mostly because two-year olds have no concept of "Mommy is beyond tired and you refused to take a nap, so sit still for a half hour while she lays down".  That just ends up with the house looking like a tornado raced through it and took out everything but that one wall that aforementioned two-year old used as his canvas to test out his awesome new crayons and his bowl of fishy crackers.  This fatigue has caused me to become a caffeine junkie again.  It balances out though; I also drink a lot more water than I used to, mostly because I pee a lot more frequently (except at work.  I always forget to pee at work).  

Well friends, the Garmin is finished updating, so off to bed I finally go.  Happy a happy and safe 4th of July weekend, and I'll be back soon!

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